As we enter the 2011 Academy Award season, every professional pundit to film fan across the land will be adding there two cents to this year’s Oscar debate and while I personally tend to take the handing out of these awards as a pseudo-political farce that Hollywood engages in each year and I am ultimately no different from anyone else and I will be throwing my opinion into the wind as well, but at least in my humble opinion the nomination is the award, the actual statue is B.S. I could go on for hours about the categories (and probably will) but I’d like to bring two specific things to light. Winters Bone with nominations for Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor, Best Actress and Best Picture has to be a huge feather in the cap for everyone involved in this fantastic film that began its journey at Sundance and is now ending at the biggest award show of them all. It probably won’t win anything but it always makes me happy when the little movie that could…does. On the flipsid...